Book Proposal Template

For Authors Submitting Manuscripts to the Center for Energy and Economics Studies

Please use this template to submit your book proposal to the Center for Energy and Economics Studies. Your proposal will help us evaluate the scope, content, and potential audience for your book. Ensure that all sections are completed and provide clear, concise information.

1. Title of the Book

Provide the proposed title and subtitle for your book.

Title: ________________________________
Subtitle (if applicable): ________________________________

2. Author(s) Information

Include the following details about each author contributing to the book. If applicable, mention the role of co-authors or contributors.

  • Name(s): ________________________________
  • Affiliation(s): ________________________________
  • Email(s): ________________________________
  • Phone Number(s): ________________________________
  • Brief Biography (100-150 words per author):
    [Provide a short biography, including the author’s academic background, professional experience, and other relevant publications.]

3. Book Overview

Provide a brief summary of your book, including the main theme, argument, and objectives. Focus on what makes the book unique and why it will be of interest to your target audience.

[Provide a concise summary (300-500 words) explaining the book’s central theme and goals. Discuss the scope of the content, the specific problem or gap it addresses, and its potential impact on the field.]

4. Target Audience

Describe the intended readers of your book. Identify the primary and secondary audiences (e.g., academics, researchers, students, industry professionals, policy makers, etc.).

Target Audience:
[Identify the specific audience your book aims to reach. Discuss their academic, professional, or practical interests, and explain why your book is relevant to them.]

5. Structure and Table of Contents

Provide a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of the book’s structure. This should include the working titles of each chapter, followed by a brief description (2-3 sentences) of the chapter’s content.

Table of Contents:

  1. Chapter 1: [Title]
    • [Brief description of the chapter’s content.]
  2. Chapter 2: [Title]
    • [Brief description of the chapter’s content.]
  3. Chapter 3: [Title]
    • [Brief description of the chapter’s content.]

[Continue with additional chapters as needed.]

6. Book’s Contribution to the Field

Explain how your book will contribute to existing literature or research. Discuss the gap or problem it addresses and how it adds new insights, ideas, or perspectives.

Contribution to the Field:
[Describe the unique contribution of your book to the field. Discuss how it advances knowledge, fills a gap in the literature, or offers new methodologies, frameworks, or theories.]

7. Marketability and Promotion

Outline potential strategies for promoting and marketing your book. This could include existing networks, conferences, media outlets, and any potential endorsements or reviews. Also, mention any previous or current work that could help promote the book.

Marketing and Promotion Strategy:
[Provide your ideas for marketing the book, such as targeting relevant academic communities, conferences, or industry groups. Include potential promotional channels like social media, professional networks, or potential endorsements.]

8. Length and Estimated Word Count

Provide an estimate of the total word count for the completed manuscript and a rough estimate for each chapter.

Total Word Count: ________________________________
Estimated Chapter Length:

  • Chapter 1: __________ words
  • Chapter 2: __________ words
  • Chapter 3: __________ words
    [Continue as needed.]

9. Timeline

Outline the expected timeline for completing the manuscript, including any milestones such as draft submission, review periods, and final delivery.


  • Initial Draft Due: ________________________________
  • Peer Review Period: ________________________________
  • Final Manuscript Submission: ________________________________

10. Additional Materials (if applicable)

If you have any additional materials that could support your proposal, such as sample chapters, research data, or reviews of your previous work, please include them as attachments.

Additional Materials:
[Include or list any relevant documents or supplementary materials, such as sample chapters or previous publications.]

11. Keywords

List 5-10 keywords that reflect the central themes and topics of your book.

[Example: energy policy, sustainability, economics, climate change, energy transition, environmental economics, renewable energy, etc.]

12. Declaration

By submitting this proposal, the author(s) affirm that the work is original, not under review elsewhere, and has not been published previously. The author(s) also agree to abide by the submission guidelines and publishing terms set forth by the Center for Energy and Economics Studies.

Signature(s): ________________________________
Date: ________________________________

Submission Instructions: