Application Form for Academic Editor/Reviewer

Center for Energy and Economics Studies (CEES)

Thank you for your interest in becoming an editor or reviewer for CEES. Please complete the following form to help us assess your qualifications and match you with suitable projects.

Personal Information

  1. Full Name (First and Last): ______________________________
  2. Preferred Name/Initials: ______________________________
  3. Email Address: ______________________________
  4. Phone Number: ______________________________
  5. Affiliation/Institution: ______________________________
  6. Country of Affiliation: ______________________________

Academic Background
7. Highest Degree Earned: ______________________________
8. Field of Study: ______________________________
9. Year of Graduation: ______________________________

Experience and Expertise
10. Area(s) of Expertise: ______________________________
11. Previous Editing/Reviewing Experience:
Please list any relevant editing or reviewing experience, including positions, publications, or journals:

  1. Languages you are proficient in for academic editing/reviewing:

  2. Please specify any additional skills or qualifications that would be relevant to the editing/reviewing role:

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Editor: As an editor, you will be responsible for overseeing the publication process, ensuring the quality and coherence of content, and providing feedback to authors. Editors are expected to review submissions, guide the revision process, and make decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts.
  • Reviewer: As a reviewer, you will evaluate submitted manuscripts for quality, relevance, and accuracy. Reviewers provide constructive feedback to authors and help editors make informed decisions regarding publication.

14. How much time per month can you dedicate to editing/reviewing?
☐ Less than 5 hours
☐ 5–10 hours
☐ 10–20 hours
☐ More than 20 hours

  1. Preferred Types of Projects (Please check all that apply):
    ☐ Energy
    ☐ Economics
    ☐ Social Sciences
    ☐ Natural Sciences
    ☐ Humanities
    ☐ Interdisciplinary Research
    ☐ Other (please specify): ______________________________

Professional References (Optional)
16. Please provide two professional references who can speak to your academic qualifications and editing/reviewing experience.
Reference 1:
Name: ______________________________
Position: ______________________________
Institution: ______________________________
Email: ______________________________
Phone: ______________________________

By submitting this application form, I confirm that the information provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that my personal data will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating my candidacy for editor/reviewer positions at CEES.

Signature: ______________________________
Date: ______________________________

This form now includes the additional information regarding the roles of editors and reviewers and other adjustments as requested. Feel free to use or modify it as needed!